Nikolay Zakharov

Quality Assurance Engineer


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About me

I'm a person whom you can tell "Make something with it!" and you can be sure, I'll make the best solution (by time and resources).
Full list of Articles, written by me:
My GitHub account with incredible projects:

Achievements of last years

- E2E scenarios now checked during development phase, not deployment phase — have built fast working E2E tests without mocking all team services dependencies;

- S3 protocol tests — now checking that the whole response schema is valid for clients with all possible combinations;

- Test-cases generator and updater tool — no more interactions with TMS! (also, tests management now consumes less time);

- No QA testing for tasks, only dev-testing — lower Time To Market for features with not raising bugs count;

- Implemented backend mocking for Selenium-based web-UI test framework — lower Time To Market due to time economy on tests/feature development.


Lead Software Quality Assurance Engineer — Ozon Tech February 2023 — Present

About the company — an IT company, develops solutions for E-commercial company OZON that has >65 millions of clients monthly.
About my team — my team was developing AWS-S3-compatible storage service with geo redundancy, targeting more than 100.000 RPS total.

My Achievments:

- E2E scenarios now checked during development phase, not deployment phase — have built fast working E2E tests without mocking all team services dependencies;

- S3 protocol tests — now checking that the whole response schema is valid for clients with all possible combinations.

My Duties:

- Writing autotests using Golang and Python;

- Writing test documentation for general purpose;

- Running performance tests on developing services and infrastructure;

- Building CI/CD pipelines for integrations with different services and other teams;

- Building CI/CD pipelines for services Ceph, Nginx images with Docker and Kubernetes.

Software Developer Engineer In Test — Kaspersky Lab July 2021 — February 2023 (1 year 8 months)

Working in a Scrum team as a SDET.
About the company — an IT company, develops cybersecurity products.
About my team — my team was developing DPI (deep packet inspection) solution for industrial networks.

My Achievments:

- Test-cases generator and updater tool — no more interactions with TMS! (also, tests management now consumes less time).

My Duties:

- Requirements, functional, API, regression testing;

- Writing test documentation, such as test-cases, checklists, test-plans;

- Writing autotests using Selenium and Python;

- Code review of new tests and framework changes;

- Improving reporting tools;

- Creating infrastructure with virtualization tools;

- Improving CI/CD with building new Jenkins jobs/pipelines;

- Creating network traffic for different industrial network protocols.

Senior QA Engineer — Cian May 2019 — May 2021 (2 years)

Working in different Scrum/Agile teams as a QA Engineer.
About the company — Cian is a real estate SaaS.

My Achievments:

- No QA testing for tasks, only dev-testing — lower Time To Market for features with not raising bugs count;

- Implemented backend mocking for Selenium-based web-UI test framework — lower Time To Market due to time economy on tests/feature development.

My Duties:

- Requirements, security, functional, API, regression testing;

- Writing test documentation, such as test-cases, checklists, test-plans and articles for other QAs (Jira, Confluence, Testrail, Allure);

- Writing autotests using Selenium and Python; code review of new tests and framework changes. Docker was there too, for running browser containers for sure;

- Deploy via Jenkins and Nomad;

- Issues research with Elasticsearch, Kibana;

- Building up services monitoring with Elasticsearch and Grafana;

- Business analytic for new projects;

- Improving processes in the company and my teams by making educational meetups about developing and testing;

- QA mentoring.

QA Engineer — AntidaSoftware January 2017 — April 2019 (2 years 4 months)

Working with many Scrum/Agile teams in different companies as a QA Engineer.
About the company — an outsourcing company.

My Duties:

- Requirements, functional, regression and API testing;

- Writing test documentation, such as test-cases, checklists, test-plans;

- Business analytic for new projects;

- Improving processes in companies and my teams.


- SaaS service for employees tracking; Big Data, Windows application, Google Chrome extension included

- SaaS service for resellers; - got skill of payment systems testing

- SaaS service for logistics;

- SMM service;

- CRM system;

- Employees productivity review system.

Engineer — Teorema August 2015 — August 2016 (1 year)

Working with sales and IT teams
About the company — an retail shop.

My Duties:

- Writing reports for sales team with SQL;

- Support and improve internal software written with Delphi;

- Broken hardware diagnosis.


Diploma — Chelyabinsk Law College (Russia) — Programming in Computer Systems (3 years 10 months, September.2011—July.2015)


- Testing web (both backend and frontend), mobile applications (also both REST-API backend and frontend);

- Requirements, security, functional, regression, API testing;

- Writing automated tests with Selenium and Python, running in Docker container;

- Project management;

- Languages: English and Russian.

keywords: security testing, jira, confluence, selenium, python, pytest, testing, automation, jenkins, functional testing, regression testing, test-case, checklist, management, Nikolay Zakharov, QA Engineer, web applications, postman, sql, work, testrail, allure, ci, cd, mobile applications